2011 Ringcraft Day


Saturday 5th February 2011 saw the fourth annual Leiborschy Ringcraft Day with seventeen Leibs and their owners attending from as far away as Warwickshire, Hertfordshire & N. Somerset. It was a real treat for everyone to see 8 of the 11 Loanstar litter, aged five and a half months together in one room. Puppies and adult dogs behaved impeccably whilst they participated in fun and games, show training and general socialising. Thanks to Sarah Stephenson for "judging", Catherine for the Canine First Aid talk and to everyone who shared photographs.

Best in Show Yerik

Reserve Best in Show Henna

Best Puppy in Show Syrus

Reserve Best Puppy in Show Rauri

Best Brace Yerik and Steffan

Knockout Recall Winner Randall

Sit Competition Winner Randall and Neo

Yerik Henna Syrus Ruari

Puppy Dog class l to r Syrus, Jorge, Ruari, Paddy, Chile& Neo

Puppy Bitch Classes Griet and Hajna

Niamh demonstrates a perfect SIT hand signal for Randall

Yerik and Steffan Best Brace

Niamh moving Randall