Crufts 2006

What a truly memorable and very special Crufts 2006 would turn out to be as we celebrate ten years in the breed. Three new Leiborschys joined our team under judge Lt Col KK Bingham as all our "puppies", yet again, made us very proud. Thank you to all Leiborschy owners for the support they give us and the wonderful care they give their dogs.

Photo:Mick Doyle

Leiborschy Melek, Remek,Y endah, Suwon, Ido and Ochre

Leiborschy Melek 1st Special Junior Dog

Leiborschy Idő of Vorosarkany 3rd Special Junior Dog

Leiborschy Yendah 1st Open Bitch, Best Bitch, Best Of Breed

Leiborschy Remek 2nd Post Graduate Dog

Leiborschy Suwon 4th Post Graduate Bitch

Leiborschy Ochre 3rd Special Junior Bitch

Photos: Karl Donvil

Leiborschy Yendah Best of Breed

Mick Doyle

Leiborschy Idő of Vorosarkany. SJ Dog G Skinner Leiborschy Suwon PG Bitch

Leiborschy Remek PG Dog Photo:M Doyle

Leiborschy Melek SJ Dog Photo: G Skinner


Photo:Mick Doyle

Leiborschy Ochre SJ Bitch